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Your Own "Solo Build It" Website

For most of us, using a product like Solo Build It to create a website is a little scary. You might be tempted to blog or jump into social networking, but a website seems out of reach. However, at this point in time, if you can use a word processor effectively, you can build your own website.

Solo Build It Optimized (SEO) Sites

When looking for a provider to host this website, my assumption was that I would need to learn yet another programming language in order to create the site. Since I have many years of programming experience, that was not a show-stopper but meant that rather than publishing, I would be spending time learning how to publish. Web design courses offered locally were geared to teach how to publish.

I was fortunate to stumble on Solo Build It!. Since I have a lot of business process analysis experience, analyzing and organizing the content was not an issue. What I needed help with was knowledge about being found by search engines - search engine optimization. I didn't even know that I needed that knowledge.

Navigation tabs at the top of most pages (see home page image above) will get you to lots of info. Or you can check some of the specific links below.

If you are interested in building a site that is optimized for the search engines, SBI is the place to start. It has been a superb learning experience and led to my site being highly ranked for many investing topics. It is slightly more expensive than either GoDaddy or Yahoo but offers keyword tools, webinars, user forums and extensive educational material on the hows and whys of building a site.

If you have never built a website, this is the only place to start.

Some reasons to create your own site:

If a website seems like too much, check out the WordPress solution from SBI.

The best part is that you can build the site yourself. If you would rather just focus on your business, SiteSell Pros offer services for website owners.

Check out these SiteSell Case Studies.

If you have questions and want to talk with someone - call or email.

Not everyone needs the optimization. It depends to some degree on whether or not you want to publish to an existing audience of if you desire to share your "Field of Dreams". If you build it, will they come if they cannot find you?

Alternative Choices

Don't need optimization or keyword tools included with SBI? You can check out the following plans. There are others, but I have used both of these no-programming sites and they work fine. Like SiteSell, you will not need to pay a web developer to build or maintain them since you will be able to create the sites with just word processing skills.

The bad news is, unlike SiteSell, you will not get much traffic unless you pay extra, or pay someone. If you really want a site with lots of traffic, go with SiteSell.

  • GoDaddy - The largest registrar of domain names. They provide both email plans and web site plans.
  • Yahoo! - What can I say about Yahoo! that you don't know? How about their website hosting which is available as Aabaco Small Business.

Please let me know if you have experience (good or bad) with other providers.

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Updated Jan 2019